Create Active Directory Users in Bulk Using Powershell
# Import the Active Directory module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Store the data from ADUsers.csv in the $ADUsers variable. Change this to your file.
$ADUsers = Import-Csv C:\temp\12345_Bulk_Add_Accounts.csv
# Loop through each row containing user details in the CSV file
foreach ($User in $ADUsers) {
# Read user data from each field in each row and assign the data to a variable as below
$Username = $User.username
$Password = $User.password
$Firstname = $User.firstname
$Lastname = $User.lastname
$OU = $User.ou # This field refers to the OU the user account is to be created in
$domain = $User.domain
$email = $
$streetaddress = $User.streetaddress
$city = $
$zipcode = $User.zipcode
$state = $User.state
$country = $
$telephone = $User.telephone
$jobtitle = $User.jobtitle
$company = $
$department = $User.department
# Check to see if the user already exists in AD
if (Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $Username}) {
# If user does exist, give a warning
Write-Warning "A user account with username $Username already exists in Active Directory."
} else {
# User does not exist, proceed to create the new user account
# Account will be created in the OU provided by the $OU variable read from the CSV file
New-ADUser `
-SamAccountName $Username `
-UserPrincipalName "$Username@$domain" `
-Name "$Firstname $Lastname" `
-GivenName $Firstname `
-Surname $Lastname `
-Enabled $True `
-DisplayName "$Firstname $Lastname" `
-Description "$Username" `
-Path $OU `
-City $city `
-Company $company `
-State $state `
-StreetAddress $streetaddress `
-OfficePhone $telephone `
-EmailAddress $email `
-Title $jobtitle `
-Department $department `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $False
# Import the groups from the CSV file. Change this to your file.
$Group = Import-Csv C:\temp\EXAMPLE_GROUPS.csv
foreach ($row in $Group) {
# Retrieve the group name from the row
$groupName = $row.GroupName
Write-Host "Adding $Username to $groupName"
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName -Members $Username
This script imports new user data from a .csv file and creates a new account in Active Directory based on the criteria specified. There is also an option to add groups to the new account simultaneously by importing data from another .csv file containing the groups to be added.